avoid costly work in build() since build() can be invoked frequently when ancestor Widgets rebuild
avoid calling setState() high up in the tree
Use the lazy methods, with callbacks,when building large grids or lists, that way only the visible portion of the screen is built at startup time
avoid invoke saveLayer(),including
- opacity widget
- shaderMask
- colorFilter
- Clip
- Text
- addition:Clipping doesn’t call saveLayer() but is still costly
Ways to avoid calls to saveLayer():
- To implement fading in an image, consider using the FadeInImage
- using the border Radius property instead of applying a clipping rectangle
build and display frames in 16ms
build subtree widget once and pass it as a child to the AnimatedBuilder
pre-clip image before animating it
avoid using constructors with a concrete List of children if most of the children are not visible on screen